Peter Nguyen Peter Nguyen

Liberals are Willing to Line Up for the Newest Food Trend but Not to Vote

In the lead-up to the 2024 US presidential election, it's critical for Democrats to address a significant issue: voter turnout. Despite their vocal opposition to conservative policies and figures like Donald Trump, liberals are less likely to endure the inconveniences of voting compared to Republicans.

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Peter Nguyen Peter Nguyen

Kamala Harris - The Silver Bullet Against Trump?

One of the critical figures in this political chess game is Vice President Kamala Harris. As the Democrats consider their options, the question arises: Can Kamala Harris mobilize the liberal base and secure a win for the Democrats in 2024?

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Peter Nguyen Peter Nguyen

There's Nothing Wrong with Advocating for Stronger Immigration Laws

Advocating for reduced immigration is about seeking a balance that benefits everyone. It is not about xenophobia or closing off opportunities for new immigrants but about creating a sustainable, equitable, and prosperous society. A balanced approach to immigration can help address critical issues like the housing crisis, inflation rate, and the cost of living, while also ensuring that public services and infrastructure are not overstretched.

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