Peter Nguyen Peter Nguyen

Why China Might Avoid a Blockade of Taiwan

The effectiveness of a blockade hinges on China's ability to sustain it without incurring unacceptable losses. Unlike the U.S. during the Iraqi War, China would face a formidable opponent in Taiwan. Taiwan has heavily invested in advanced military technology, much of it provided by the United States. From sophisticated missile defense systems to state-of-the-art fighter jets.

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Peter Nguyen Peter Nguyen

Will Vietnam be America’s Champion in a Potential US-China Proxy War?

The US and China, while understanding the dangers of direct conflict, are likely preparing for a proxy war. Vietnam, with its strategic importance and military capabilities, is at the center of US plans to counter China. While the Philippines is China’s preferred opponent in the South China Sea (West Philippine Sea, Biển Đông).

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Peter Nguyen Peter Nguyen

China Prepares For An Anticipated U.S. Decline

China has a history of leveraging moments when the United States is preoccupied with other crises to advance its interests. This historical context suggests that China's current assertiveness is part of a long-standing strategic approach: waiting for moments of U.S. distraction or weakness to push its agenda.

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Peter Nguyen Peter Nguyen

Why Seoul Will Stay Out of a War with China

Despite assumptions that South Korea might join forces with allies like the United States in the event of a war with China, the reality is more nuanced. Unless directly attacked by China, South Korea is poised to remain neutral, prioritizing its national interests and historical experiences over external pressures.

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Peter Nguyen Peter Nguyen

North Korea's Nuclear Strategy: Calculated Moves or Madman Antics?

North Korea's nuclear ambitions are a strategic effort to ensure regime survival and achieve reunification goals. Despite severe sanctions and economic hardship, North Korea prioritizes its nuclear program as a bargaining chip. This strategy aims to force the U.S. to withdraw from South Korea, paving the way for reunification.

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Peter Nguyen Peter Nguyen

Mimicking the Vietnamese Approach: The Philippines' Strategy in the South China Sea

The South China Sea is a highly contested region, with multiple countries, including China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan, asserting overlapping territorial claims. Among these, Vietnam has notably developed a robust strategy to counter China's expansive claims, blending diplomatic, legal, and military measures. Observing Vietnam's relative success, the Philippines appears to be adopting similar tactics to bolster its position in the disputed waters.

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Peter Nguyen Peter Nguyen

The Impact of a Kamala Harris or Donald Trump Victory on Asia

The 2024 U.S. election will significantly influence global trade, tariffs, and the economy. A Kamala Harris victory could lead to predictable, multilateral trade policies, potentially rejoining the CPTPP to foster stronger economic ties and reduce tariffs. Conversely, a Donald Trump win might reignite trade wars, especially with China, through high tariffs and protectionist policies, disrupting global supply chains and creating economic volatility.

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Peter Nguyen Peter Nguyen

Historical Context of India's Long-held Grudge Against America

India's historical grudge against America, stemming from Cold War-era dynamics and American support for Pakistan, is understandable. However, in the contemporary geopolitical context, it is imperative for India to transcend past grievances and adopt a pragmatic approach to its foreign policy.

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